I did manage to rouse myself from my sloth-like stupor to start messing about with some assemblage ideas. Of course there is always a lot of "research" involved when you start a new project. I started with every Michael deMeng YouTube clip. This in turn led to some crazy cat videos ...well lets just say that once you start down the YouTube path it s a slippery slope people!
This is the very first stage of a shrine assemblage called "if all my thoughts were beautiful". For the record I would like to point out that her poor head was already cracked - I just kinda highlighted the fact.
I also taught a workshop this week. It was great fun - always tiring and I felt I had definitely earned my Corona when I got home but so rewarding! Guess what happens when you give a bunch of textile artists a hammer and a jewellers saw and show them how to use them?
They get busy! Most of these students had never used a jewellers saw before! They learnt to drill and file and rivet! At the end of the day when i saw their collective acheivements, I felt like a proud Mama!
There were even some lovely examples of their needlework ...
I think they left feeling empowered despite the frustrations of learning how to load a jewellers saw and snapping a few blades! We used old spoons, mica and brass. Good job ladies!
Now I am ready to slink back to Slothdom. Don't want to overdo things you know ...!