Friday, June 25, 2010

Favourite things - gooodeeeee!

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things. 

Recently I received a lovely surprise in the post in the form of a large parcel - ooooo the excitement of it! It wasn't tied up with strings but it was beautifully decorated by the lovely Christina who you might know from her blog Rustic Tarts. Well, inside was a veritable treasure trove of goodies - even the tissue paper they were wrapped in was gorgeous (it has now been flattened and carefully folded for some future project!). Just look at what Christina sent me ...

 First out of the box was this lovelt tin and then when I opened it ...

Just look what was inside - yum yum yum! I have to be honest and admit the tin was FULL when it arrived but these delicious lemon filled buttery handfuls of goodness had to be sampled STRAIGHTAWAY - no waiting for a photo!

These are two lovely coaster-ish things! They have such wonderful folk-arty designs - I am guessing Dutch?

This is an amazing beaded cuff - the beads are so tiny and delicate that it actually feels like fabric. This is what Christina said about it - " The beaded cuff was from the huge Antique Mall in Findlay Ohio - I had been there the day you mentioned the shortage of spoons and I'd bought it with you in mind" How great is that - a zillion miles from home, on holiday and still keeping me in mind! I feel rather special.

The day my parcel arrived I was feeling very low with a beastly cold and was pretty much slouching on the couch all day. As soon as I  got this hat, I put it on and snuggled up feeling much more cheerful with it on my head. Christina made this herself - isn't it great. There has been quite a bit of altruistic crafting going on over her way - check this out.
Thank you Christina I feel quite spoilt or as someone else might put it, "well loved"!


Rustic Tarts said...

I'm glad that I was able to supply the TLC that you needed that day!
Both Iain and I think there was a tag on that beaded cuff that said 1860's (?) but unfortunately it must have been the pricetag and they removed it - so if you trust our aging memories.........

moose and bird said...

Treasures galore for you. Congratulations on some great finds. x