Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flea Market Finds

Thrifting goodness. Joining in with Sophie.

Seems beady stuff was the order of the day when I stopped by the op shop this week.

Great sage green enamel ear-rings - way too heavy for ears but I think I can re-purpose them into some kind of necklace.

This astonishing neckband - probably from New Guinea according to the op shop volunteer who knows the donor- is just amazing to me. I won't be dismantling this one!

Okay so I have never been a big fan of those weird bead-in-a-tube-of-fabric necklaces but I really love these wicker beads so it was worth shelling out a buck just for those!

Cool huh?!

I think beads from natural materials are fantastic - a connection to both nature and the historical signifigance of adornment. These are called "Job's Tears" and are among my favourite natural seed beads. I like their soft grey colour and pearly sheen and I buy them whenever I come across them. They are also used for food and making musical instrument like shaker gourds as well as jewellery.

Apparently Mother Teresa's  favourite rosary was made of Job's Tears.

These beads are made of dyed bone though I have no way of knowing what kind of creature they hailed from. Lots of pretties waiting for me to deconsruct and reconstruct. Strange how sometimes the oppies bring you stuff of the same ilk - beads one week, vintage fabric the next. Whatever - it is precisely that unpredictability that makes thrifting so much fun,

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